Editorial: Constitutional Chaos by Design in Alabama

By the editorial board of The Anniston Star

By the time Alabama voters have their say on Nov. 6, Alabama’s state Constitution could grow by 16 more amendments. By our count, the Constitution is inching toward four digits, meaning 1,000 amendments to a document that was ratified in 1901.

Oh, if we’re counting words, the Alabama Constitution is closing in on almost 400,000 words. The Texas Constitution, Alabama’s closest competition when it comes to lengthy state constitutions, clocks in at a mere 88,000 words. They say everything is bigger in the Lone Star State, but they haven’t seen Bama’s governing document, right? Continue reading “Editorial: Constitutional Chaos by Design in Alabama”

Quin Hillyer: Alabama Needs Local Option Government

In my opening column for the new and improved Yellowhammer News, one of my paragraphs made this assertion:Alabama’s government is far too centralized rather than open to local innovations, which makes it both ossified and much more easily corruptible. It also allows a small number of groups – often known as the “Big Mules” – to wield inordinate power. Now, sometimes they happen to wield it for good purposes. But if they don’t, they should be taken down a peg or two hundred. Continue reading “Quin Hillyer: Alabama Needs Local Option Government”

FYI, Alabama’s Constitution Still Calls for ‘separate schools for white and colored children’

By Valerie Strauss
March 10, 2017

Alabama has been in the news of late, what with Jeff Sessions, President Trump’s controversial attorney general, hailing from there, and the state’s Republican governor, Robert Bentley, in possible danger of impeachment after he was found to have had a sexually explicit conversation in 2016 with his then-chief adviser.

But there is something else to consider about Alabama that reflects on its history and the country’s current racial divide. It’s about the state constitution, which was written in 1901 and designed to limit local government and disenfranchise blacks. It has been amended more than 800 times since then and is the longest constitution in the country and possibly the world, at what the Council of State Governments says is 388,882 words. Continue reading “FYI, Alabama’s Constitution Still Calls for ‘separate schools for white and colored children’”